Monday, February 28, 2011


1. What are trends? Why is it important to identify them prior to graphic design?
Trends are things that people like and dislike. It is important to identify trends before designging to see if your product will be liked.
2. How does human nature play a role in how a product is marketed to a specific demographic group?
Each person likes something else, but you should design your product to what people do not like, you will not make any money off your product.
3. How is a potential audience identified?
A potential audience is identified by what they like and what they by more.
4. What must you discover about the target audience prior to graphic design?
You must find out what they want and what they want your product to be like so the audience will buy the product.

Opt in 1 Super Advertising

  • One ad could cost up to 3 million dollars for thirty seconds of advertising
  • 9 million people watch the super bowl
  • I think it is worth spending that much money, but if your ad it not good, it could be a waste of money

Content is King

What is a field/hobby/something you have a passion for (surfing, sailing, robotics, painting, etc.)?
My hobbies are playing soccer and hanging out with my friends.

What person or organization in that field has used blogging to promote their brand?
My favorite team, Manchest United, has a blog and fans can ask questions and communicate.

What is a field you might see yourself blogging about?

I could see myself blogging abput sports and scores on soccer.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

This ad came from the magazine called Wired.

In this ad, an ap is being advertised and this app is for searching for products on your phone.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Survival at Sea

  • Our top two picks were container of water and case of army rations
  • we picked these becuase you can not survive without water
  • we picked the army rations because you can starve and that is your supply of food
  • Our worst pick was oil/petrol mixture because you can have a fire on water or on a rubber inflatable boat
  • i put more wieght into experiental data because you don't know if somethign works unless you test it
  • Exeprt opinion is not as reliable
  • what if the expert is wrong and ou won't be able to survive